Chile has introduced a bill to legalise gay marriage and will expand the rights for gay couples, allowing them to adopt children.
Well done, Chile!
President Michelle Bachelet signed the proposal, which will now be sent to lawmakers – and this comes one week after a measure that will end the country’s absolute ban on abortions.

President Bachelet said:
We can’t let old prejudices be stronger than love.
In 2015, Chile approved civil unions for same-sex couples following the decriminalisation of gay sex in 1999.
Civil unions have been recognised across several South American countries, although only Argentina and Uruguay have codified same-sex marriage, writes The Independent, and gay marriage has also been legalised in Brazil and Colombia.

According to reports, it’s unlikely President Bachelet will be able to push the measure through Congress before she ends her term in March next year, but the decision has been celebrated by gay rights activists.
Luis Larrain, founder of the Iguales Foundation, said:
It’s the beginning of the end of discrimination based on sexual orientation to access marriage.
This day will be remembered as much as the day when women were granted the right to vote, slaves were freed or children born out of wedlock were granted the same rights.
Fantastic news.