‘Genius’ Mum Uses Potato Peeler To Get Perfectly Even Slices Of Cheese

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You know that feeling when you’ve had a really shitty day and everything is getting on your nerves?

Picture that and then tell me the one thing that would solve all your problems. Food. A lot of food. Perhaps a night in watching a romcom with a takeaway. Followed by cheese.


There’s no better comfort food than cheese, especially when literally zero effort is required to eat it. All you have to do is slice a chunk off and voilà: you’re sorted.


So what if I were to tell you there’s now an even easier way to prepare your cheese, which allows you to cut off perfectly even slices of the dairy product?

Enter: the trusty potato peeler, the perfect tool to slice the snack into even pieces. The life hack went viral thanks to one woman who posted on the Facebook group Extreme Budget DIY & Life Hacks to make people aware of the simple trick.

She wrote, alongside a picture of the perfectly sliced cheese:

Probably my daftest moment ever – however, works an absolute treat. Use a peeler to slice your block of cheese. Perfectly slim slices of cheese in a fraction of the time it takes me to use a knife.

Demonstrating how she does it (just in case some people don’t know how a potato peeler works), the woman posted an additional picture of her running the peeler along the side of a delicious-looking block of cheese.


Obviously, people were amazed by the life hack, with the woman’s post having since racked up more than 500 likes from other members of the group – many of whom said they were going to try it out themselves.


One person asked: ‘Why have I never thought of this??’, while another described it as ‘genius’, also writing: ‘How have I never thought of this?’ Another person was already on board with the idea and wrote: ‘I do this as well! Couldn’t find a knife one day and hey presto!’

Following her post going viral, the woman joked that she ‘cannot be held legally responsible for any excess consumption of cheese that occurs as a result of trying this method out’.

Fair enough. Now if you’ll all just excuse me while I go try out the hack for myself to find out if it really lives up to the expectations.

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