Dating is complicated, we’ve got apps, friends-of-friends, ex-partners, friends with benefits – all sorts of social pitfalls to navigate. But sometimes things come together absolutely perfectly.
When Purdue Student Emma Vowell got dumped on the week of her ex-boyfriend’s birthday there was the awkward hangover of his unused present – two skydiving tickets.
#NewProfilePic pic.twitter.com/qgqVe5uNCq
— Em (@emma_vowell) June 25, 2017
Rather than getting sad about the situation and the potentially painful reminder of lost love Emma decided to make the best of the situation.
She took to Tinder to see if any ‘hot guys’ were interested in a purely platonic skydiving experience.
The most dedicated a guy has ever been to shooting his shot… should I take him pic.twitter.com/iyfgN9uPTQ
— Em (@emma_vowell) September 28, 2017
A couple of guys got in touch on Tinder to try and convince Emma that they’re the person that she should take.
One gentleman ‘the most dedicated guy ever’ in Emma’s words, Austin Bates, totally smashed it though by applying for the date as if it was a job.
Guys, he even made a resumé pic.twitter.com/OgJTGMppRH
— Em (@emma_vowell) September 26, 2017
He totally deadpanned a cover letter and CV. Both disarming and charming, fantastic work Austin.
Anyone who has applied for a job will find his opener very familiar:
Ms. Emma,
Attached is my resume and cover letter, if you have any trouble opening them or need something explained please don’t hesitate to contact me.
Very Respectfully,

After a lot of interest from her Twitter followers, Emma confirmed that Austin’s incredible approach had landed him the date.
Landing is quite an important part of a skydiving date.
Since people keep asking, Austin and I are getting coffee tomorrow and are planning on going skydiving together October 28th. ?
— Em (@emma_vowell) September 26, 2017
Emma later shared a picture of her and Austin having coffee together before the big skydive day and I must say they look pretty handsome together:
Nice to meet ya, Mr. BATES*****
seriously, really, don't tweet and drive pic.twitter.com/f8433oqqga— Em (@emma_vowell) September 27, 2017
What a heart-warming story. Props to Emma for making the best of a break-up and serious respect for Austin taking an unconventional approach to dating and completely smashing it.
It certainly seems to have gone a lot better than this disastrous Tinder date:
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Maybe CVs are the new way? Certainly would be a good alternative to a short Tinder bio and five pictures.
After all choosing a job and choosing a partner are big life decisions, why not approach them with a similar level of professionalism.