Girl Hid In Her Cheating Boyfriend’s Car, Live Tweeted Showdown


What do you do if you suspect your partner is cheating on you? Ask around? Maybe confront them about it? Or hide in the boot of their car and live tweet the whole thing?

Luckily for us Twitter user @vickto_willy decided on the third one and filmed herself climbing into her boyfriend’s car while he and his alleged ‘sidepiece’ sat blissfully unaware in the front, reports Some Love.

Of course, the video of the incident went viral which prompted hundreds of people to urge her to tell the full story.


So, luckily for all of us, she did! Now, the actual feed has around 100 tweets in it, so if you want the whole thing you can check out her Twitter feed.

But for those of you who don’t fancy trawling through a shit ton of updates, here are some of the highlights – including the final showdown… 

Basically, @Vickto went out for her birthday with her friends but her boyfriend bailed at the last minute. Then, later on she gets a call from him…

So now they have a bit of an argument, her friends say he’s a dick and she should just dump him, she’s like: “I know, but I really like him etc…”

They don’t speak for the rest of the night so she goes home and goes to bed, she wakes up the next morning and:

Her friend tries to convince her that the boyfriend is cheating, but she’s not having it. Until later that evening she’s studying with her friend Jay – when she gets a call from her friend ‘Katie’…

Needless to say, it’s at this point that @Vickto loses her shit a bit…

Basically, he lies to her about what he’s been doing all day, so she decides to take matters into her own hands…

So now she’s getting driven around in the boot while her cheating boyfriend and this other girl are up front. Eventually the car comes to a stop…

But she was in for a bit of a shock…

Her friend had followed in her car, so she jumped in with her and drove home. You would’ve thought he would call to grovel a bit, but he didn’t get in touch for two days.

This is how she left the story…

All’s fair in love and war…