Girl Trolls Tinder Match In Most Hilarious Way

Chloe Lucas/Twitter

Speaking to somebody through a dating app such as Tinder can often be toe-curlingly awkward, especially if they just don’t get your wicked sense of humour.

A poorly used gif, a clumsily dropped innuendo, and the game is all over. And all this is before you even get to those who lack any spark of humour whatsoever.

When Chloe Lucas from Chesterfield found herself in such a situation, she reacted perfectly and let her match know his response was just not cool.

A girl trolled her Tinder match in a hilarious way.@chlolucas_/Twitter

Our girl was getting her flirt on, getting to know the details of her match, and undoubtedly looking for any signs she should run for the hills. Oh and she certainly received a huge blinking warning sign…

Now, we all like to get a bit silly with our Tinder chat from time to time – especially when your mates are egging you on – and this Tinderella is no different.

The unnamed potential suitor – saved on Chloe’s phone as ‘Tinder Boy’ – started to hit upon the all engrossing topic of names, asking Chloe:

So is it Chloe or Chlo?

Chloe replied:

Obviously birth name is Chloe but I prefer being called Chlo.

A girl trolled her Tinder match in a hilarious way.Done and Done Productions Distributor Trifecta Entertainment & Media

So far, so average small-talk Tinder world. And it was at this point when Chloe decided to get a little bit cheeky.

With a – slightly unwarranted – crying laughing face, Chloe’s match pushed:

Well, what do your friends call you?

Chloe gave the rather unexpected response of, ‘Duke of York.’

The match appeared puzzled as he asked, ‘Wtf why.’ Was Chloe an aristocrat? Was she the ghost of a historical figure/bossy nursery rhyme character?

Nope. it was apparent she was simply being a little bit saucy when she replied, ‘Because i’ve had 10 thousand men.’

A girl trolled her Tinder match in a hilarious way.@chlolucas_/Twitter

Now, the chap clearly didn’t take kindly to this very, very obvious jest, responding with just two very nasty words:

Wow slut.

Yikes. Not only was this bloke not up for any banter, he was clearly au fait with hurling vile, sexist insults at a complete stranger. Not exactly one to take home to meet the parents…

After replying with a give-no-hoots shrug emoji, Chloe took to social media to share screengrabs of the online encounter, tweeting:

‘How do you flirt?’

People were amused by Chloe’s all-too-relatable experience and the singleton quickly went viral.

One person described the exchange as being ‘honestly iconic’ while another guffawed, ‘Tinder boy’. I’m screaming.’

Slur aside, Team Chlo – or should it be Team Duke of York? – were gobsmacked by the funny bone removal surgery Tinder Boy had apparently undergone.

One person declared, ‘Got to have banter no matter what!’ while another admitted,’I would’ve been dying laughing if a girl sent that to me.’

Sounds like Chloe is well shot of that particular gentleman and – like all dating disasters – it has given her friends a good laugh.

Have you ever had an awkward experience on Tinder? Let us know!

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