Guy Absolutely Destroys Hypocrisy Of Racism In Brilliant Viral Post


Following Tuesday’s terrorist attacks in Brussels in which 31 people lost their lives social media has been awash with responses to the atrocities.

Unfortunately a common response has been for people to start pointing the finger at the Muslim community as a whole for what, in reality, are the actions of a tiny – and extreme – minority.


In attempt to highlight the ridiculousness of blaming an entire, worldwide community for the crimes of a few, Emlyn Pearce took to Facebook to post his own ‘experiences of prejudice’ in Glasgow.

His post is absolutely brilliant in pointing the sheer narrow-mindedness of some peoples’ treatment of Muslims and it’s fair to say he has totally nailed it: 

WHAT IS UP WITH ALL THE MUSLIMS AND BLACK PEOPLE IN GLASGOW TODAY???This is the worst day ever. I am currently hiding…

Posted by Emlyn Pearce on Wednesday, 23 March 2016

Unfortunately not quite everyone grasped the ‘satirical’ nature of Emlyn’s post:



However, most people were pretty quick to let them know that they may have missed the point…


A few commenters did make the point that the perhaps the very people Emlyn’s post was aimed at were the same people who wouldn’t understand it…


But for the most part people applauded Emlyn’s humour:


Emlyn’s post has now been shared over ten thousand times on Facebook, and we can only commend him for making what is actually an extremely accurate and very important point.