Italian billionaire, Gianluca Cervara, was left heartbroken when his young wife went missing not so long ago. He feared that she had been kidnapped.
However after finding out that she is alive and well, he was even more outraged – and he’s threatening to sue her too, reports the Mirror.
Cervara had contacted police to say that his wife, Miss Ukraine Anna Zaiachkivska, had been missing for some time – but the search came to an abrupt end when pictures appeared on Instagram of her in the arms of another man.
To make matters worse for the shattered and inconsolable Cervara, the pictures of Anna and her new fella, posing in five-star hotels in the U.S., were captioned ‘freedom’.
She wrote:
Wooooow Married escape without Tell And with fake address in NewYork!!
Now that a few days have passed the billionaire is frankly pissed off and has claimed that he is suing his runaway bride – saying that she has stolen £5,000 from him as well as a mobile phone.
However, the former Miss Ukraine see’s things from an entirely different angle claiming that Cervara would ‘raise his hands’ to her and once even spat in her face.
She also said that she was tired of living in a ‘golden cage’.
Oh, and if that wasn’t enough – she added that Cervara didn’t pay enough attention to her when she had a headache…
I’m no marriage councillor but no matter what happens it doesn’t sound like these two should be together.