We’ve all had those moments – you wake up in the morning after a heavy night and as the fog slowly lifts you remember you spent your last £50 on a pair of trainers ‘worn by Craig David’, or you know, whatever…
But this guy may have just taken the prize for most outrageous ‘off his head’ purchase when he woke up after taking sleeping pills to find he’d accidentally splashed out $3,000 (£2,100) on a live Yak.
Yes, a real live, enormous hairy cow.

According to The Mirror, he purchased the ‘Golden Tibetan Yak Cow’ from the store ‘Yaks n Things’ because, where else would you buy one?
A friend posted the order confirmation to Imgur with the caption:
A friend of a friend accidentally ordered a live yak while on sleeping pills.

According to the order confirmation the yak cost $2,687 (£1,890) and shipping costs totalled $389 (£273). I’m no expert, but that sounds like not too bad a deal for such a magnificent beast.
Disappointingly, but I suppose thankfully – for the Yak’s sake – he apparently managed to cancel the order.

According to HelloU, his friend posted an update on ‘YakGate’ saying he had managed to stop the payment at the credit card company and that he had posted this on Facebook:
Oh I’m sure you would’ve all liked for me to just let them deliver it, but
a) My apartment complex would boot my ass on to the street. The only thing worse than being homeless is being a homeless yak owner.
b) My beagle Lucy would lose her motherfucking mind.
c) I’m an astrophysicist, not Baron Moneybags Von Richfuck so I can’t just spend $3,000 on a yak to amuse the Internet.
Spoil sport.