Guy’s Facebook Post Asking Wife And Girlfriend ‘To Get Along’ Goes Viral

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History will not look kindly upon social media renegade Lonnie Turner.


The bold Facebook user decided it would be a great idea to post a status featuring both his wife and girlfriend, telling them they ‘better learn to get along.’


While some might admire this brazen move, I think Lonnie is just a bit of a cunt.


Lonnie – fucking Lonnie, what a name – laid out his views on how the two women should get along, sounding like a spoilt child:

I work extremely hard, and I think I deserve to have everything my little heart desires. Why have a cake and can’t eat it? I want multiple cakes!

That’s right mate, stuff all the fucking cake down your greedy mouth.

Elite Daily did a spot of digging and found that picture of good old Lonnie relaxing on a Hummer, because of course he drives a Hummer.


Some people called him out for his shameless post:


But he didn’t really give a shit:


After all this, I can’t imagine Lonnie will be having much cake in the future…