If you’re a bit of a thrill-seeker, adrenaline junkie or whatever, it’s almost guaranteed you’ll love this.
In this video – which was recently uploaded by YouTuber Charanpreet Singh – we’re taken on a ride along this death trap of a road and no surprises that it’s fucking terrifying.

Located in the valley of Pangi in India lies the world’s most dangerous road which is clearly only fit for thrill-seekers who fancy dancing with death.
The seven-minute clip brings us viewers closer to the action, as Singh rides along the edge of the mountainous dirt road.

For sure, it’s a beautiful view across rural India that not many people may ever experience, but it’s not the sort of place I’d want to be trapped.
However, the YouTube footage is certainly enough for me and makes me glad that I will never have to experience it myself in real life.

Singh goes on to describe the journey as ‘one of the most dangerous, scary, and exciting road patches of India’.
How anyone could find this death wish exciting is simply beyond me, but maybe Clarkson and that gang can give it a go?

I’d definitely watch that.