Heartbreaking Final Letter Of Bullied Schoolboy Who Commited Suicide

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Warning: Distressing content.


These are the heartbreaking words written by a bullied schoolboy before he took took his own life.


Daniel Fitzpatrick, 13, was mercilessly bullied over his weight and grades, and pleaded to his school for help.

He believed that his old friends at Holy Angels Catholic Academy had stopped talking to him and didn’t like him.


“I gave up,” Daniel wrote on lined paper. “The teachers either they didn’t do ANYTHING!” he scrawled in the note.

As teacher after teacher and even the principal too at Holy Angels Catholic Academy refused to get involved, he grew overwhelmed by the torment and hanged himself, his family said.


You can read the note in full below:


Daniel wrote the note two weeks before his death as he was desperate to start at a new school at the beginning of the new school year.


Daniel’s father, also Daniel Fitzpatrick, posted a video to his Facebook page on Saturday to thank people for their support and condemn the boys who allegedly ‘tormented’ his son and the Catholic school.

No parent should have to bury their child. No child should have to go through what my son went through. To the parents of the boys that tormented my son, all I have to say is I hope you never have to feel what my family is going through right now. You get to hold your children every night and day for the rest of your lives and their natural lives. I don’t get that anymore. Your little monsters took that from me and my wife.

Posted by Daniel Fitzpatrick on Saturday, 13 August 2016

Daniel’s mother, Maureen Fitzpatrick told the New York Daily News said she remembers her son saying he wanted the bullies to ‘know what they did to me and how I feel’.


His bullies, who were mentioned in the letter, allegedly threw balls at him in gym class and called him names.


Maureen told the Daily News:

Danny was always left out. He used to come up to me and ask me to get kids to play with him. The other kids would say they thought he was weird. He felt like the whole school knew what was going on and was laughing behind his back. They humiliated him.


The Fitzpatrick family has set up a GoFundMe page to give Danny a ‘proper memorial to shine a bright light’ on bullying.

R.I.P. Daniel.


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