Last week, I had a dream that Margot Robbie moved into the flat next door and invited me over for a drink. I put on my best shirt and just as I was about to knock on the door, I fucking woke up.
The fact that we can’t stay in dream worlds where you can ask Harley Quinn for milk or sugar whenever you please is pretty shit, but why is that we always wake up before the best part of dreams?
We dream throughout the night, but when we dream during our NREM (non-rapid eye movement) cycle, we’re often too relaxed to have any recollection of it.
However, during our REM (rapid eye movement) cycle, which is usually just before we wake up, we have the most vivid dreams. These are also the dreams we remember.
Quora user Ross Calvin explained:
While it is true that we dream all throughout the night, we often only remember one or two dreams upon waking, and since our attention span is so short, it should come as no surprise that we may only remember the last dream or two we had just before we woke up!
Ross continued:
The final stage of REM (rapid eye movement) sleep, typically the one just before we awake, is usually the longest, and can be the most dream-filled.
Our level of arousal is at its highest at the culmination of the dream (the moment you’re about to have sex or knock on Margot’s flat door), so your brain activity increases and in turn you become less restful and wake up.
Basically, I got so fucking excited at the prospect of drinking cans of Foster’s with Margot Robbie that my brain just couldn’t handle it.
That’s pretty crappy really, isn’t it?
Margot, if you’re reading this, I hear Manchester’s nice this time of year.