Rodrigo Alves, or as most people know him the Human Ken Doll, has revealed he’s decided not to have a gastric bypass.
Instead of the costly procedure, he’s opted to keep working out at the gym to maintain his physique.
The 34-year-old has also opened up about his desire to settle down and find love.

To date, Alves has spent £450,000 on his cosmetic procedures, because he was born in the wrong body.
He said to MailOnline:
The problem is not my clothes being too tight, it’s my body. I need to lose two stone in two weeks.
I want to do this the natural way now. I want to do what everyone else does.
The Brazilian has also revealed he is no longer going to rely on liposuction for a good physique, but will rely on the tried and tested methods of a good diet and gym routine.
His change of heart seems to have come from the damage he has inflicted from previous invasive surgeries.
Alves has stated he never intends on getting old, as ‘one only looks old if one wants to’.

He has undergone almost 60 plastic surgeries in order to achieve his current look, and he says that his mind and soul ‘matches to what I see in the mirror’.
Speaking of the gastric surgery, he said:
The side effects can be really bad, especially for someone like me doing it for cosmetic reasons.
He continued:
In the past, each time when I was overweight or when my fashionable favourite outfit didn’t fit me I would just book and have an invasive lipo – but my body reached a stage where it is full of fibrosis which makes the procedure risky.
Fibrosis is damaged tissue, and can be very serious, so it’s probably a good move not to cause any more trauma to the body.
Alves is still not afraid of going under the knife, as he has a procedure set up to top up hair implants in Los Angeles.
Human Ken Doll, Alves, seems to be learning you can overdo something you love. Doctors recently warned him his nose might fall off if he keeps up the surgeries.
If the guy is happy doing what he’s doing then fair play to him, as long as he doesn’t damage his health too much.
Hopefully the diet and gym routine should help him stay relatively healthy.