These images capture the incredible moment an ice skating man was rescued by onlookers after falling through the ice.
A policeman named Zhang Wei rushed to the mans aid after spotting him during a walk with his daughter, the People’s Daily Online reports.
Zhang Wei had been trained in first aid and took his daughters scarf, throwing it over to the man who was struggling to stay afloat.

Because the ice was very thin, the group lay out flat on the ice to make sure that the pressure was lighter. After a fair amount of time went by, they managed to eventually pull the man to safety.
China is currently facing its coldest weather in over 30 years and in Qinghuangdao – where this incident occurred – the temperature has dropped to around -14 degrees Celsius.

During these harsh winter months people often walk on these frozen lakes or ice skate, but it can be a dangerous risk to take.
In December last year, footage emerged of fishermen rescuing a man and his dog after the dog fell through the ice and his owner also fell through while trying to rescue him.

It’s very fortunate that this man was in the right place at the right time or this could have ended a whole lot worse…