Inspirational Boy With No Arms Won’t Let It Stop Him Becoming A Builder

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An inspirational young boy has proved you can do anything with enough determination after finding a way to build items from wood despite having no arms.


The young lumberjack lives in Kabankalan, in the Philippines, and he reportedly wanted to use the video to inspire other people by showing the world what he can do.

Grinning as he balanced a hammer and a saw between his neck, shoulder and chin, the boy skilfully hammered a nail into wood and sawed wood with precision.


Here’s the incredible video footage:

Seven-year-old Nino Dayon is an inspirational youngster and doesn’t let his disabilities stop him from doing what he wants to do.

It’s not clear what Nino is making, but he looks like a boy with a plan as he enthusiastically carries out DIY work that even I’d struggle with.


Those who’ve viewed the video were pretty impressed with Nino’s handiwork, but also expressed some concerns when the saw was brought in.


One commenter wrote:

What a little boss! Got worried when he started to saw, where it slid and almost got his leg, to think if this lad cut his leg off he would still be doing cartwheels!

Another said:

Might need help the saw but yeah other than that this dude is a boss ! mad respect to you my friend hope you live happy with your family and friends. [sic]

This isn’t Nino’s first rodeo though, this guy is experienced and shared a video of him chopping wood with an axe with complete ease.


Nino levered the axe so it gained enough momentum to cut into the tree and viewers of the footage shared their praise for the driven young boy on social media.

One commenter wrote:

If you try hard enough nothing is impossible, no matter your condition.

Another person is planning to use the video to encourage their own children to work harder:


A third simply added:

Amazing little boy God bless him

One little girl, who was born with no arms, proved just as resourceful as Nino, as she taught herself to eat with her feet.


Vasilina, from Russia, was filmed practising the skill by her mum, who shared the video on Facebook with the caption ‘For Vasilina’s fans’.

Showing a coordination that would be hard to rival, Vasilina held a fork with her toes and managed to direct the food into her mouth – while most people, let alone children her age, would have probably ended up with a very messy face if they’d tried to feed themselves in this way.

Vasilina took a couple of attempts to find the perfect angle which would allow her to reach the food, but her determination made sure she ended up well fed. Her incredible actions have been viewed almost 79 million times and shared over 1.6 million times at the time of writing.


The video has no doubt been inspirational for many people.

One viewer commented:

oh my… Touched. Loving this little but already strong and amazing angel. [sic]

Another wrote:

 Aww beautiful girl!! Not giving up! [sic]

Truly amazing children.

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