Is Khloé Kardashian Stealing Her Tweets From Yahoo Answers?

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So it turns out that Khloe Kardashian‘s got a new irritating habit, she tweets random questions and everyone’s dying to know where she gets her ideas?

Thankfully the spirit of investigative journalism isn’t dead and like The Guardian unearthing historic phone hacking, the intrepid journalists over at Buzzfeed have uncovered Khloe’s dirty secret. She takes them from Yahoo answers, we’ll give you time to recover.

Now you’ve got over that shock why not take a look through Buzzfeed’s damning evidence.

Where do her kooky ideas come from?

Could it be Yahoo answers?

These are pretty much word for word…


The evidence keeps stacking up…

We’re sure the Twitter police have been notified…

They’re definitely stupid enough to be from Yahoo answers…

But we can’t say for definite…

It’s difficult to say…

Because I wouldn’t put this level of stupidity passed a Kardashian…

This old joke?


Khloe doesn’t just use Yahoo though…

She’ll even head to Quora for content…

Looks like someone’s on to her though…