Iskra Lawrence, the ‘plus-size’ model who is determined to make everyone in the world love their body, has stripped off on a train to send out her message.
The video, called UNMUTED, was filmed the day after the American election and showed Iskra making herself ‘vulnerable’ to everyone on their commute.
She revealed herself, wearing nothing but underwear and gave an empowering speech about how she ‘grew up hating what I saw in the mirror because society told me I was not good enough’.
Iskra is known for stretching the boundaries of societal norms for models, often posing eating chocolate or celebrating her cellulite and lack of thigh gap.
She made the brave move to ‘start a conversation about the relationship with ourselves and each other’.
In the video, Iskra says:
This body is not just something to be objectified, to be grabbed, to be looked at. This is my vessell, this is my home, I respect it.
What I really hope by sharing this with you today is that you are going to see yourself differently. Every single one of us has so much value and so much worth that is so much more than just skin.
So please when you look in the mirror when you get home do not pick out your insecurities, do not look at the things that society told you is not good enough because you are so much more than that.
She goes on to encourage a change in mindset:
Look at your body and see why we appreciate it, what it does for us. our strength, what we are grateful for and start talking to yourself, celebrating who you are and respecting that.
Because we can change how we view ourselves, we can change by being unjudgemental to others, and we can grow every single day, this beautiful relationship that we have with ourselves, our bodies, and each other.
The 26-year-old model from Worcestershire has taken the plus-size world by storm and is hoping she can help educate women all over the world about positive body image.
We’re all beautiful!