Leonardo DiCaprio Pledges $20 Million To Climate Change Organisations

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Knock knock! Who’s there? It’s only Leonardo DiCaprio pledging $20 million to climate change organisations.

Yeah, we know the 41-year-old as a good actor, but not that many of us know him to be a good man. This is a prime example. It’s textbook Leo.

His own organisation, the humbly-named Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation, will distribute 20 million big ones in environmental grants to over 100 organisations.


He said:

We have watched as storms, wildfires, and droughts have worsened, and as extinctions have become increasingly frequent. And some of us have also listened as the scientific community sounded alarm bells about climate change as far back as the early 1990s. It is extremely likely – with 95 to 100 percent probability – that human influence is the dominant cause of climate change.

Yet with all of this evidence – the independent scientific warnings, and the mounting economic price tag – there is still an astounding level of willful ignorance and inaction from the people who should be doing the most to protect us, and every other living thing on this planet

He also managed to take a dig at President Trump.


Taking the stage at the Yale Climate Conference, the actor revealed he met with Trump after the election to discuss a ‘comprehensive plan to tackle climate change’ with which clearly gone to pot.

He said:

We watched as this White House pulled us back from the Paris climate agreement, the landmark blueprint for containing global emissions and slowing the increase in global temperatures, and we listened as they said that the powerful forces of Hurricanes Harvey and Irma did not change the President’s mind about climate change.

I still believe that the United States has the potential to lead the world on this issue. We can only hope that the president begins to see it too, before it is too late.

Your move, Don.