A New York man who lost his wallet at a gig in Brooklyn a few weeks ago has had some of the items returned to him along with a hilarious note.
Reilly Flaherty has been reunited with his credit cards and ID after a mysterious envelope was sent to his address.
Flaherty, who had already cancelled the cards, did not receive any of the cash back or the wallet itself. But whoever has them did at least leave a note to explain themselves.
The note reads:
Dear Reilly Flaherty,
I found your wallet, and your drivers license had your address so here’s your credit cards and other important stuff.
I kept the cash because I needed weed, the MetroCard because, well, the fare’s $2.75 now, and the wallet ’cause it’s kinda cool. Enjoy the rest of your day. Toodles, Anonymous.
Well this guy is nothing if not honest.
Speaking to NBC 4 Flaherty admitted he saw the funny side of the situation:
If nothing else, it’s something me and my friends have laughed about quite a bit.
Flaherty added to Mashable:
To be honest, I was thinking this person is the Walter White of wallet returning. They start out with seemingly good intentions, but then you quickly realize they’re actually just a villain plagued with an insatiable appetite for MetroCard spending and marijuana-infused subway rides, hurting everyone they love around them.
Sadly, this is the plot of Breaking Bad all over again, but instead of meth and illegal firearms, we’re dealing in stolen MetroCards and vintage leather goods.
If I could say one thing to this altruistic stranger, I would tell them, ‘It’s not your fault. It is not your fault.’
Can’t see Netflix purchasing the rights to it any time soon, but regardless, it’s still one hell of a story.