Most Likely Reasons To Be Granted A Sick Day Revealed

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A study of 2,500 employers and employees across the UK has revealed what are generally viewed as the most acceptable reasons to take a day off from work.


The study was carried out by healthcare provider Benenden, and unsurprisingly it revealed that vomiting is the most likely reason to secure you a day in bed.


Diarrhoea aptly came in at number two, just two percent behind vomiting.


The study did worryingly uncover that mental health problems are given the least time by managers, perhaps suggesting understanding of conditions such as stress and depression still leaves a lot to be desired.

The Independent

Inji Duducu, director of Benenden, has voiced concerns over the results.


She told the Independent:

There seems to be a clear lack of understanding from some employers in terms of employee well-being. There is a strong commercial case for having a healthy and engaged workforce, yet employers are evidently ignoring the impact of an employee’s physical and mental well-being on productivity, absenteeism and [length of service].”

The stats also revealed where the UK’s highest rate of absenteeism appears. Figures suggested that women between 18 and 24, from Edinburgh, and working for utility companies were the most likely to call in looking for time off.


So just remember, if you are looking to bunk off you need to make the boss fear for the state of the carpet in your place of work.