When you first see this picture, you think it’s just a cute picture of a mum cuddling her son, but that’s not entirely what this picture appears to be.
Blogger and mother Sophia Cachia has a hefty share of Instagram followers to her name- over 152,000 in fact- and shared this apparently heartwarming picture with her fans yesterday.
However, the 21st-century-mum, isn’t just snapping a tender moment with her young child. No, in fact she’s multitasking as every mum will know out there, is just a normal part of everyday life.
Sophia just thought she’d try and take a few minutes out to go to the toilet, but no, that’s not happening with a small child in tow. In actuality, she was trying to go for a poo, but her little boy couldn’t be left alone for a few minutes and decided to come with her for a hug.
While she was in the comprising position, she decided to take the snap to share with other fellow mums and the caption had them in hysterics.

I think mum’s across the globe could wholeheartedly sympathise with this little gem.