People Have Revealed The Most Terrifying Ways Exes Tried To Win Them Back

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It’s something that pretty much everyone has to go through at some point – the awkward break-up.


Sometimes it’s mutual, sometimes it’s not, you might be able to stay friends after the relationship is over, you might remain mortal enemies for the rest of your lives.

Sometimes the end means the end but others – and let’s face it, this is pretty common – you end up getting back together only to repeat all the same mistakes and end it (at least once more) further down the line.


When this happens, there’s inevitably a time when one or the other of you makes an ill-advised attempt to win the other one back.

With that in mind, people have taken to Reddit to answer ‘What’s the dumbest thing an ex ever said to try and win you back?’

Needless to say the replies are hilarious, shocking and downright disturbing…


Thank god…


Well, that escalated…

Fuck. Off.

The guilt trip…


The change of heart…

Yep, I definitely can…

Who said romance was dead?

Yeah, I can’t get far enough away…

Desperation is not an attractive quality…

That’s definitely not how this works…

But, ladies and gentlemen, the gold medal goes to…

I’ll leave you with that one…