People Share The Dumbest Reason They’ve Dumped A Significant Other

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Sometimes there’s a good reason why relationships fizzle out, other times there’s less valid reasons like these for examples. 

A number of heartbroken Redditors have shared their most awkward, hilarious and sometimes down right petty reasons for saying ‘buh-bye’ to a partner.

From loving Fifa more than your missus to yellowing teeth these are some pretty stupid reasons to split up with anyone, funny though.

Here’s a selection of the best… 

Surely the most severe of crimes…

Fair excuse (lads, lads, lads)…

Dream you isn’t real you…

He wa young to be fair…

Poor bugger…

Now this is fair!

And this is not fair…

Communication is key!

Definitely unfair!

This literally made me gag!

Never mess with a partner’s Mon!

And they say chivalry is dead…