When police arrived at the scene of a bizarre accident, they were shocked to see an SUV crashed on top of a row of parked cars.
They were even more surprised to find a group of students standing around taking pictures on their mobile phones – but not one of them had called 911.
According to The Star Tribune, police at Iowa State University have reprimanded the onlookers after the wreck drew lots of attention from a number of people who pulled out their phones, but didn’t use them to call the emergency services.

The university’s police department said in a Facebook post:
Unfortunately, nobody called this in to our department. When officers arrived, there were multiple people standing around the scene taking pictures.
According to police, the SUV driver lost control after accidentally hitting the accelerator instead of the brake and hit the parked cars near the school’s Armoury.

While nobody was hurt, the incident prompted police to ask the public to call in on anything that looks disruptive or concerning:
If you see something, say something! Careless driving affects more than just you and your car. Everyone is at risk when drivers aren’t cautious.
The Iowa State University Police Department posted a message on their Facebook pages urging people to call in:
This morning a driver lost control and landed their vehicle on top of multiple parked cars. Fortunately nobody was hurt….
Posted by Iowa State University Police Department on Tuesday, February 9, 2016
Aaron Delashmutt, interim assistant Vice President and Chief of ISU police, told the Iowa State Daily: “[We’d] rather get 20 calls about the same incident than none.”
On another note: why does the university have an Armoury?