Photos Of Cancer Survivor’s Incredible Fitness Transformation Go Viral

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Courtney Walker has become a viral sensation after sharing her incredible transformation story online.


The woman from Alaska overcame cancer, the imminent threat of diabetes, and ultimately obesity, shedding over half her body weight to slim down from 140kgs to just 58.


As reported by the Daily Mail, Courtney’s transformation did require surgical intervention, but she has also overhauled her lifestyle to include exercise and a far healthier diet.


A photo posted by Courtney (@fitmissbliss) on

She explained on her Fitmissbliss blog:

In August of 2015 after fighting – and winning – a battle with uterine cancer, and continuing to fall farther into a diseased state that included severe high blood pressure and pre-diabetes, I decided to change my life and get healthy once and for all.

I opted for the tool of bariatric surgery [stomach stapling] to help springboard me toward weight loss and renewed health and wellness.

A photo posted by Courtney (@fitmissbliss) on

She added:

Unfortunately, my very pricey medical insurance did not provide any coverage for bariatric treatment or surgery, so, I found myself seeking treatment out of country.

I ended up on an operating table in Tijuana Mexico on August 28, 2015 at 305 pounds.

And now Courtney is hoping to help other women achieve their fitness goals.

A photo posted by Courtney (@fitmissbliss) on

Courtney said:


My passion is empowering women to take charge of their health and bodies through the glorious wonder that is food.

My heart’s desire is to see each woman I work with find the joy and freedom that whole body health and wellness brings.

A photo posted by Courtney (@fitmissbliss) on

While people may point to surgical intervention playing a key role in Courtney’s story, it cannot be overlooked how much of a change she made to the rest of her lifestyle after what she’d been through – and the results speak for themselves.


With over 33,000 followers, Courtney’s story serves as a shining example of how, with determination, it is possible to overcome the obstacles in your life and retake control – fair play to her!