This mum and her daughters look so alike it’s actually really difficult to tell them apart…
For some girls, to grow up to look the spitting image of your mum is a total nightmare, but for these girls, it’s the goal.
Mum Natalie Wardell who is 45, looks practically identical to her daughters Jazmyne (above) who’s 21 and Tamika, 19, the Daily Mail reports.

She looks so similar to her daughters – who are more than half her age – she often gets mistaken for being part of the sister clan.
The youthful looking mum-of-two is a big fan of cars and often heads out to a car festival of some sort with her daughter Jazmyne.
Natalie said:
Every weekend as a family we try to go to a car event.
Two of them are into cars but one’s not, which is good for my husband because he doesn’t have any sons at all.

Natalie has the controversial nickname for herself, ‘bogan barbie,’ which is apparently an ‘affectionate’ term referring to a ‘blonde redneck’ with large breasts…
She met her husband while out shopping and stopped to admire his car, sharing with him her passion for automobiles.
More than twenty years later, she spends her weekends with her daughters, in her element at the car attractions.

Often girls avoid hanging out with their mums, for fear of it impacting on their street-cred, but this is not so for Natalie’s daughters.
Jazmyne and Tamika relish the opportunity to be seen and photographed with their mum as it brings them a lot of attention.
Natalie said:
People ask if we’re sisters all the time, and some even think Jazmyne is my mum because she’s so tall and I’m so short.’

It must be such a regular occurrence that they’re all pretty much used to it now.
She continued:
Just yesterday at Summernats we were waiting to get to in a queue and somebody asked if we were sisters.
While she often takes it as flattery, sometimes people can be offensive, suggesting that she tries to imitate her offspring.

She explained:
I guess it’s a compliment to me, but people will say things like “You try to copy them”, but I mean I’ve had long blonde hair since I was 15. It’s just genetics.
She does see the funny side however, finding it amusing when people look flabbergasted when they realise that the young looking woman is actually a mum to the to girls.
She recalled:
It’s funny when we’re walking around somewhere and she yells out Mum.
Everyone looks around as if to say, “Who on earth are you talking to?

Jazmyne will be competing in the Ms Summernats competition at the weekend while the rest of the gang enjoy the car show.
She believes their close knit status as a family is due to their love of vehicles and going to the shows together.
She said:
What I notice is that my friends who aren’t into cars but their husband’s are seem to fight alot.
It brings us closer as a family. It’s great.
I still can’t work out which one is which…
They look like triplets, it’s uncanny.