Primary School Makes Very Embarrassing Typo In Group Text



It seems like times have changed since I was a kid, after a primary school was forced to apologise after sending a crude text message to parents.

According to the Daily Mail, the message was sent to parents reminding them about mass at the school the next day, and included the line: “If we can wash your dirty willies please bring them along. Thank you.”

I know, how rude.


But don’t worry guys, it was all just a hilarious mistake. Six minutes later they posted a correction saying the message was meant to specify they could wash ‘wellies’ not willies.

It read: 

I am so sorry it’s WELLIES!! WELLINGTON BOOTS. Sincere apologies for any offence caused.

The text message, was sent from ‘St Mary’s Primary School’ – although the exact location of the school is not clear.

It was uploaded to Twitter by user @S_Jones76, with the caption ‘My favourite typo this Easter weekend’ and has now been retweeted more than 500 times.

I bet there were a few disappointed people at mass that day…