A pro-gun poster girl has been accidentally shot in the back by her four-year-old son. Oh the irony.
Just hours earlier Jamie Gilt – a pretty high profile figure for America’s pro-gun campaign – had boasted about how her child had been taking part in firearm safety training, reports the Huffington Post.
In what could be one of the most ironic stories in recent memory, police say Gilt told them her son found her .45 semi-automatic handgun on the floor of the vehicle -which doesn’t sound like the safest place to keep a gun.
He then proceeded to shoot her through the back of the driver’s seat and Gilt was taken to hospital after flagging down a passing sheriff.
Putman County Sheriff’s office spokesman Joseph Wells said:
As the deputy slowed to check on the vehicle, he observed an adult female in the driver’s seat motioning to him as if she needed assistance.
The deputy ran to the vehicle and quickly determined that the driver had been shot.
Gilt was transported to University of Florida Health where she is reported to be in a stable condition.

Gilt had previously written on Facebook in response to a debate on gun ownership:
All of our [children] know how to shoot one. Even my 4 year old gets jacked up to target shoot with the .22.
She probably wasn’t planning on him using her as a human target though, and she could now face charges of negligence for allowing her son to get hold of the weapon.
But guns aren’t dangerous are they.