Sex Doll Customers Keep Ordering Dolls That Look Like Mates’ Girlfriends


Sex doll customers can apparently have figures made to look like anyone they desire and it turns out plenty fancy their mates’ girlfriends. 

It could be down to fulfilling curiosity or because of an ongoing crush but for one reason or another some people are willing to pay thousands for intimacy with a specific person, and when their real-life interest is taken I guess a silicone version must be the next best thing.

Manufacturers at Silicone Sex World spoke about the types of dolls their customers are interested in and while you’d expect celebrity lookalikes to be in high demand it turns out they’re ‘not as popular as you may think’, according to product specialist Andy Phelps.

Speaking to the Daily Star, Phelps admitted the company got some ‘strange requests’ when it came to fulfilling people’s sexual fantasies, with some asking for ‘dolls that look like friends’ girlfriends.’

I can imagine neither the friends nor the girlfriends would be happy to hear there was a rubber version of themselves tucked away in their mates’ house, ready to bring them pleasure whenever they see fit.

It would be a strange enough conversation to ask someone if you could have a sex doll modelled after them but it would be even more concerning for them to stumble across one they had no idea about.

It’s unclear whether manufacturers would be penalised for selling dolls that look like real people but Jade Stanley, who founded Sex Doll Official, has said there is a demand for models who look like everyday people.

She told the Daily Star:

In terms of customisation, it’s anything whatsoever – celebrity, dead spouse or someone you fancy.

It really does vary, you get people asking for a Kim Kardashian, or a girl next door.

It’s just so different across the board.

The adult shop owner explained the dolls can be modelled from as a little as a photograph of the desired person, though designers can also ask for details about the inspiration’s personality.

Jade continued:

They’ve just presented me with a picture.

In conversations with me and my colleagues, we get as much information as possible as to the woman or man they want to create.

Sex dolls can cost around £4,000, which seems a big price to pay for a silicone human, but each to their own!

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