Strangers Completely Ruin Creative Marriage Proposal Attempt


This creative marriage proposal which got completely ruined by total strangers, is the very reason why we can’t have nice things. 

A romantic Reddit user decided to use the page’s ‘place’ feature to create an unusual wedding proposal for their potential bride-to-be called Lisa and it went drastically wrong…

To put it into context for those who aren’t in the Reddit know, the ‘place’ feature is basically an online piece of ‘live art,’ where users can add a pixel at a time to create a lovely digital masterpiece.


Everyone and anyone can get involved – which is a good thing and also in this case, a very bad thing – but they can only add one pixel every five minutes, which can make or break a collaborative effort.

So, back to the story, the Reddit romancer decided they wanted to propose to Lisa, in what is apparently an ultra cute way in their eyes, by popping the question through a Reddit message.

He posted:

Reddit/man of steel

The people of Reddit agreed and set about creating their work of wonder, but in unbeknown to the instigator, they had very different ideas of the kind of message to grab Lisa’s attention…

Here’s the message they created:

Reddit/the man of steel

I don’t think that was what he had in mind…

Here’s what it started off like:

Reddit/ man of steel

I don’t think Lisa would be too impressed with the savaged version…

But then you ask the internet to help you and that’s what you get. What did he expect?

Give people free reign on a soppy proposal and it’s never going to end well…