Posted by Sam Mitchell on Wednesday, January 4, 2017
And they say you should never talk to strangers…
A few weeks ago, one guy named Samuel Mitchell decided to add another guy named Sam Mitchell on Facebook. Why? They didn’t know each other, they’re not from the same country and they don’t have any mutual friends – they just have the same name.
So the two Sams got talking, and a friendship quickly blossomed.

Coincidentally, Sam #2 had just moved to Australia (where Sam #1 lives) from the UK.
Hearing this, Sam #1’s friends got involved. Sounding like the best fucking friends in existence, they bought UK Sam a flight to Tasmania so the two Sams could meet.
Within four hours of ‘meeting’ Sam #2 had a ticket to fly and meet his name twin.

British Sam, who’s in Australia on a working holiday, told
I was in the library doing a job search, and I got a message from a random bloke. I wrote on his Facebook, ‘Fucking class name mate’.
All his friends started liking and commenting on it, and then they all said they’d put in 20 quid to bring me over.
“We weren’t expecting him to come, and then he sent us a picture of him in the plane and we thought, ‘He’s as crazy as we are’,” Australian Sam said.
And their time together looked nothing short of magical:

Day soon turned into night, and the two Sams ended up spending New Years Eve together:

And a bromantic day out at the Cataract Gorge in Tasmania the next day:

Who ever said the Internet wasn’t a beautiful place?