Good afternoon from #Aleppo I'm reading to forget the war.
— Bana Alabed (@AlabedBana) September 26, 2016
Bana al-Abed is just seven years old but she knows how to tweet.
Over the past few months, Bana and her mum Fatemah have offered a damning perspective on the life of those living under the bombs in Syria’s Eastern Aleppo. Controlled by rebel forces, the city has witnessed an unrelenting shower of attacks by Russian and Syrian military jets, reports Sky News.
Live-tweeting her daily battle for survival, Bana’s tweets range from the heart-breaking to the graphic.
Heartbreaking this baby traumatised wouldn't go of the nurse treating him we crying here. – Fatemah #Aleppo
— Bana Alabed (@AlabedBana) October 2, 2016
Over the last 10 days 200 children were killed. We fear the worst now #Aleppo
— Bana Alabed (@AlabedBana) September 29, 2016
Hello world we are still alive. Wake up this morning alive. – Fatemah #Aleppo
— Bana Alabed (@AlabedBana) October 3, 2016
This is my friend house bombed, she's killed. I miss her so much #Aleppo
— Bana Alabed (@AlabedBana) September 26, 2016
But less than 24 hours ago at the time of writing, the war took an even more devastating toll on Bana and her family.
Over two tweets, Bana’s mum wrote:
The army got in, this could be our last days sincerely talking. No Internet. Please please please pray for us.
Last message – under heavy bombardments now, can’t be alive anymore. When we die, keep talking for 200,000 still inside.
The army got in, this could be our last days sincerely talking. No Internet. Please please please pray for us.- Fatemah #Aleppo
— Bana Alabed (@AlabedBana) November 27, 2016
Last message – under heavy bombardments now, can't be alive anymore. When we die, keep talking for 200,000 still inside. BYE.- Fatemah
— Bana Alabed (@AlabedBana) November 27, 2016
Six hours later, Bana and Fatemah’s house was bombed.
Tonight we have no house, it's bombed & I got in rubble. I saw deaths and I almost died. – Bana #Aleppo
— Bana Alabed (@AlabedBana) November 27, 2016
Bana’s latest tweet, accompanied by a picture of the seven-year-old surrounded by smoke and covered in dust, said:
Tonight we have no house, it’s bombed & I got in rubble. I saw deaths and I almost died – Bana #Aleppo.
Her and her family are among thousands trapped inside Aleppo, which is being bombarded by Syrian government troops and their Russian allies. In an interview with ITV News, she pleaded with the world to ‘listen to us’ saying ‘we are children, we have a right to live’.
Bana – who dreams of being a teacher – has gained more than 132,000 followers since she started her Twitter account in September. Unfortunately, some people have accused it of spreading false propaganda, but Fatemah dismissed the criticism, telling the BBC she is disappointed that people have been accusing her of lying.
Sir Assad @rasmustantholdt I'm not a terrorist, I just want to live and no bombing please. – Bana #Aleppo
— Bana Alabed (@AlabedBana) October 6, 2016
Syrian president Bashar al-Assad accused Bana of ‘not being a credible source’ saying her tweets were being promoted by ‘terrorists or their supporters’.
Bana responded: “Sir Assad, I’m not a terrorist, I just want to live and no bombing please.”
Social media can be a powerful tool, especially when put in the hands of a child with the power to make us see the harsh realities of war. So share Bana’s tweets, listen to her, and help people understand that the war in Syria is affecting daughters, brothers, and mothers who just want peace.