Terrifying Moment Man Is Flung Off Waterslide And Falls Off Cliff

Screen Shot 2016-07-22 at 14.56.08David Salmon/Facebook

We never thought we’d say this, but this video could genuinely put you off waterslides for life.

Here’s the shocking moment a guy slips off a waterslide that was built precariously over the edge of a cliff face.

David Salmon decide to tackle this private waterslide, which was built in his mate’s garden in Austin, Texas, overlooking Lake Travis.

Too dang old to be going down water slides. Fell off this one that is over a rocky cliff. First time in an ambulance. I’…

Posted by David Salmon on Monday, 18 July 2016

But what looked like pretty fun times, turned into anything but as the man manages to crash over the edge of the flimsy, plastic slide and tumble down the cliff edge landing on the rocks below, Fox 4 News reports.

David was taken to hospital with a broken arm, several fractured ribs and multiple lacerations to his back, arms and side.

Screen Shot 2016-07-22 at 14.56.35David Salmon/Facebook

Despite some pretty serious injuries, David still managed to see the funny side and posted the video to Facebook, where it’s since gone viral having been viewed 2.6 million times.

He told Fox 4 News:

I’d gone down a few times and it was fast. But this time, I just couldn’t slow down, even threw my arm out, and went right over the edge. For a split second, I was like oh no and then it was like a hard crash, and the rest was all just blurry.

Screen Shot 2016-07-22 at 15.50.09David Salmon/Facebook

Well, that’s me done with waterslides forever.