Texans Have The Sexiest Accent In America, Survey Finds

Texans Have The Sexiest Accent In America, Survey FindsSelena Gomez/Instagram/CCO

An accent can arguably make or break a person but luckily for the US, they’ve got a uniquely diverse range of dialects meaning there’s a little something for everyone.

But when it comes to the sexiest US accents, who would get the top trump?

It might not be the first accent you think of when you picture an ‘American accent’, but it turns out that a ’howdy’ and ‘yeehah’ really does the trick as according to Big Seven Travel, Texan has nabbed top spot for sexiest accent in the US.

Most of us, who aren’t from the southern US, know what we know about the Texan access through western films and Dallas, so it could be argued the sexy cowboy/cowgirl association has played a big part in the result.

Texans Have The Sexiest Accent In America, Survey FindsPA Images

Next on the list is the slightly more traditional Bostonian accent. It’s by far the most imitated and parodied of the US accents, and if you can’t think of what it sounds like think Matt Damon in The Departed, and you won’t be far off the mark.

Boston’s neighbours in New York scooped bronze. It’s easily one of the most recognisable dialects in America, thanks to a ton of our favourite films and shows. But, if I’m being honest, the most iconic and over-egged New York accent that comes to mind has got to be Friends’ Janice Litman-Goralnik. Oh… My… Gawd.

Taking the fourth place is the Maine accent, which for those who aren’t familiar, drops the Rs and turns everything ‘wicked’. If you know, you know.

Fifth place is probably one of the most controversial accents in the top ten – Chicago. A lot of people hate it, but if this list is anything to go by, others can’t get enough of it. Perhaps that’s what inspired Kim Kardashian and Kanye West on their baby naming… or not.

Texans Have The Sexiest Accent In America, Survey FindsPA Images

Ninth place is St. Louis, Missouri, which has a tendency to turn its ‘ors’ into ‘ars’, so get ready to chop the ‘carn’ in the fields.

Taking tenth is the Californian accent, which has got to be up there with the most generic American accent, but it’s commonly associated with surfer dudes and chicks, so it’s hardly surprising that it bagged a spot in the top ten.

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