The World’s Actually Going To End Next Month Now So Cancel Your Halloween Plans

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Oh here we go again, the world’s going to end – unfortunately for those who believe this, you’d best cancel those Halloween plans.

So we last heard the world was ending on September 23 but that came and went and we’re still here. This time, a ‘month of war and disaster’ is supposed to start on October 21.


Which, judging by the tension between North Korea and the US, isn’t entirely unfeasible.

Dimension Films

Better make the most of the next three-and-a-bit weeks then.

Christian numerologist David Meade says that his September prediction was misrepresented, and he was expecting ‘nothing to happen in September’, reports the Metro.

Instead, he says October will be the ‘month of action’ followed by those ‘seven years of war and disaster’ beginning on October 21.


He said:

It is possible at the end of October we may be about to enter into the seven-year Tribulation period, to be followed by a Millennium of peace.

So far, theorists have predicted Planet X is going to destroy Earth. They also said this would take place in September 2015, didn’t happen, then in December 2015, didn’t happen, during the Mayan apocalypse in 2012, didn’t happen – and before that, in 2003, oh guess what? Didn’t happen.

But Meade claims it’s definitely coming and says the eclipse in America on August 21 was a ‘warning of that’.


This prediction is based on the passage Isaiah, Chapter 13 9-10 of the Bible, which reads, ‘See, the Day of the Lord is coming – a cruel day, with wrath and fierce anger – to make the land desolate and destroy the sinners within it’.


Can we just not keep having these predictions and let things be?