These Common Sayings Actually Make No Sense Whatsoever

By :
Warner Bros Television

Do you ever just sit there and wonder where all of those phrases you hear all the time actually come from? 


You’re lying. You totally do.


Having a gander through this Reddit conversation, brought it all home, just how ridiculous some of these phrases are and how majority of them, well pretty much all, actually mean nada.

The thread started off discussing fairly normal everyday phrases…

Before discussing the logical…

Fair enough.

They then went all political on us…

Ok then mate… Thanks for that.

And then it digressed into dubious territory…

Wow. Ok.

Before finishing up nicely at the downright weird.

…. There we go.

Fair play to that last guy’s comment.

So there you have it, these phrases mean jack-shit-all and the internet proves once again that people speak utter bollocks. All the time.

