These Drunk Booty Call Texts Are Awkwardly Hilarious


We’ve all been there, either on the side of the booty-caller or callee…I’m not sure which is worse.

That awful morning after the night before when you reach for your phone, overcome by ‘the fear’, to see you messaged that girl/guy you either fancy or slept with once.

Maybe you told them where you were, asked them if they were awake (on a Thursday at 4am?!), or sent a subtle ‘this night is so shit, wuu2?’.

Elite Daily pooled some of the most cringe-worthy texts their readers had sent or received, and they’re hilarious.

Elisa, 23, said: “A guy I was (emphasis on “WAS”) hooking up with texted me this. I really would like to think it was a joke but, you know, can’t be sure”.

Elite Daily

Jackie, 24, explained:

This guy is my best friend, and we hook up drunk OCCASIONALLY. Then, out of nowhere one New Year’s Eve, I decide to be ‘flirty’ and send him this. Thank God he played along. Oh, also, he was in another state. Not sure how I was planning on meeting up with him at 1:52 am.

Elite Daily

Anya, 23, was pretty brave:

This guy and I had made out once, and we were texting for a while — just normal, small-talk stuff — when, finally, my drunk self got frustrated. I was done beating around the bush and didn’t know if I should go home or plan on going to his place, so I just straight up texted him, “wanna hang or wut.” Bold move, but hey, it ended up working out

Elite Daily

I really feel for 27-year-old Daphne after this:

The moment you realize the guy you have feelings for is not only fucking one, but at least two other people.

Elite Daily

What a refreshing take on the booty call from Mariah, 23:

This guy and I went on one pretty mediocre date. Then, he sends me this. Like no, I don’t want to come over for some ‘water.’

Elite Daily

Always awkward when they fall asleep. Poor Julia, 23:

Sent this guy to the guy I’m hooking up with the other night because, apparently, I am a bar.

Elite Daily

This guy, who she ‘fucked literally once’ couldn’t get enough of 25-year-old Sharon.

Elite Daily

Persistence is key right?

Ellen, 25, has put up with this for two years:

I have been in a relationship for two-and-a-half years, and that is how long this old booty call has been texting me like that.

Elite Daily
Elite Daily

Ellen was so savage there, but to be fair two years is quite long to not get the message.

So next time you wake up to your own embarrassing booty calls, you can find solace in the fact that you didn’t propose a threesome to the wrong person, or ask someone to marry you – hopefully.