These Giant Human-Like Sculptures Are F*cking Mindblowing

c1326-jasminimal-blogspot-com_-au-1vpi2hvRon Mueck

It may be hard to believe, but these mindblowing sculptures aren’t real people, they’re actually the work of one incredibly talented artist.

The unsettling and yet captivating statues are the work of Ron Mueck, an Australian sculptor, who – after a career building animatronics for TV and film – rose to prominence in the late 90s when he took part in the exhibition ‘Sensation’ at the Royal Academy in 1997.

During ‘Sensation’ he debuted the mixed media sculpture Dead Dad which he described as a disconcerting rendition of his own deceased father, half life-size and made entirely from memory.

giant 15Ron Mueck

To make the incredibly detailed statues Mueck sculpts in clay, makes a plaster mould around it and then finally replaces the clay with a mixture of fibreglass, silicone and resin.

Here’s a collection of Mueck’s astoundingly life like work:

giant 1Ron Mueck
giant 2Ron Mueck
giant 3Ron Mueck
giant 4Ron Mueck
giant 5Ron Mueck
giant 6Ron Mueck
giant 7Ron Mueck
giant 8Ron Mueck
giant 9Ron Mueck
giant 10Ron Mueck
giant 11Ron Mueck
giantRon Mueck
giant 14Ron Mueck
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giant 12Ron Mueck

Pretty incredible…and slightly creepy!