The total shit heap that is 2016 isn’t even over yet and already people are freaking about what the next year has in store.
The people of Reddit have taken to a thread to offer their bold predictions for 2017. Usually I’d ignore the ranting of Reddit users, but what with the predictions for 2016 turning out to be so accurate, they have my attention.
Like this guy, who believes the hype that WW3 is imminent… Ready the bunkers.
Many of the positively-minded posts predicted political stabilisation, like this guy, who thinks 2016 was just a blip.
While some people think the political circus has just been a big joke at our expense and 2017 will reveal the punchline.
Others take a slightly more ominous stance on what 2017 will hold.
…And this horrifying prediction surely spells the end of America as we know it?
Unfortunately, Trump predictions taint even the most innocent of hopes, dreams and aspirations, with some people hoping sporting triumphs will be repeated…
I have a sneaking suspicion this post was courtesy of legend and Cubs fan Bill Murray.
Of course, someone has predicted an alien landing, which is ruined for all truth-seekers by – you guessed it – Trump.
Another user predicts the political system will become hopeless and we’ll all turn to saving the animals instead.
(RIP Harambe.)
Meanwhile, in North Korea…
Morbid predictions call time for some beloved public figures.
But fear not, 2017 will bring us music, where 2016 took so many musical greats away.
There will be culture and literature and film… And the inevitable spoilers.
One person just wants 2017 to be a little less lonely.
…While I predict this guy definitely isn’t going to get a girlfriend.
This hopeful soul calls bullshit on 2016 and predicts a worldwide resetting.
One man, who has nailed all of our fears for 2017, simply wants to dream big.
If these predictions are anything to go by, I’m heading straight into hibernation come New Year’s Eve.
At least it’ll save me the disappointment of Auld Langsein and shit prosecco.

A former emo kid who talks too much about 8Chan meme culture, the Kardashian Klan, and how her smartphone is probably killing her. Francesca is a Cardiff University Journalism Masters grad who has done words for BBC, ELLE, The Debrief, DAZED, an art magazine you’ve never heard of and a feminist zine which never went to print.