An account selling beard hairs for people to ‘put in their food so they can get free meals’ has now been shut down by eBay.
The ill-advised scheme was set up by students Jordan Morris and Liberty Papworth who came up with the bizarre venture to fund their university degree show, reports Mashable.
Morris, who is studying for a Creative Advertising degree at Bucks New University, advertised the beard hairs for £2.50 a pop, advising people to put them in their food, then complain and get a free meal.
Mashable spoke to Morris who told them:
A lot of people thought it was a really funny idea, I think we pissed off a few Chefs on our way, with one in Australia texting Jord calling him a few names. But it’s a dog eat dog world, and this dog is hairy!
The post – which has now been deleted by eBay – was made under the title ‘Free Meal Tokens’ (see what he did there) and was accompanied with an in-depth description:
Ever had a meal you wish you didn’t have to pay for? Ever wanted a meal that you couldn’t afford? We have the answer!
My beard hair provides the ultimate get out clause. “Oi waiter! What’s this fucking hair in my meal???” “Oh I’m so sorry sir, it doesn’t look like one of ours, I’ll get it sorted for you.”
A short while later after you’ve finished your meal…
“We are so sorry for the incident sir, we’ve fully refunded your meal and give you a complimentary voucher to come back again if you wish.”
It’s hard to know where to start isn’t it?
Do we go with the fact the business model is fundamentally flawed as the vast majority of people either have hair of their own or know at least one or two people with hair, so why the fuck would you want to spend £2.50 on some dude’s scabby beard cast offs?
Or we could just tackle it from the moral and legal perspective that it’s actively encouraging fraudulent behaviour…
Either way, the account appears to have been suspended, so it looks like the innovative pair are going to have to find a new way to fund their degree show.
To give them a tiny bit of credit though, Creative Advertising does seem to be a massively appropriate course for them to be on…