This New Tinder Feature Lets You Be An ‘Online Wingman’

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There’s a new feature being trialled on dating app Tinder that could let you set up potential matches for your mates.

If you’ve ever come across someone’s Tinder profile and thought ‘not my type but I could see them with so-and-so’ it used to be that all you could do was take a screenshot of the profile and send it to your friend.


They would then have to try and get in touch with them or track them down and the whole thing would just turn into a confusing – slightly creepy – mess.

But not anymore. Tinder is trying to simplify that process by testing a new feature that will encourage users to share profiles with their friends – a bit like an online system of mobile wingmen (and women) playing Cupid.

The new feature lets users send a link to a profile they come across via text, allowing the recipient to swipe left or right on that profile.


According to MTV News the link is temporary, and will expire after five clicks or 72 hours, whichever comes first.


This built-in self-destruction feature actually seems like a pretty great idea as it means the link to your profile won’t be able to get passed around indefinitely.


It sounds like the ‘Share’ feature could get too much – if your coupled up mate starts sending you all the ‘matches’ they can find – you can just opt out in the app’s Discovery Settings.

It also provides a  legit reason for anyone in a relationship to be on Tinder – “I’m just looking for a match for my mate…”