This ‘Unhinged Dating Advice’ Is Hilarious And Totally Inappropriate


A first date is probably one of the most terrifying experiences you can ever face as a human being. 


But don’t you just wish you had an idea of how now to act to ensure that you might secure that elusive second date and actually make a go of it? Well wonder no more.

Twitter users around the world are sharing their most insane dating tips online to educate those of us who have no fucking idea on how to date or generally act around someone who we are trying to romance.


Using the hashtag #UnhingedDatingTips, the suggestions include some absolute gems which vary from the ridiculous to the downright creepy.

Because we all need to know how we’re performing so we can improve for the future.

This is enough to put anyone off.

But this just shows that you’re interested.


How could this not look bad on you?

Bombard them with texts. How could they resist?

Yeah, because this isn’t terrifying at all.


Never share food, ever.

I couldn’t imagine a better dating venue then this.

This was some of the more rational advice, but then things soon get very creepy.

Thanks internet, you’ve done it again.