This is Bailey Price and for a small fortune you can buy one of her arse cheeks.
How so, I hear you ask? Well Bailey is auctioning off her arse to the highest bidder and the highest bidder gets to choose anything in the world to get tattooed on her derier – good going 2016.
According to the Mirror, the self-confessed ‘public mooner’ added that she’ll even give the winner of the auction a framed photograph of the design.

Specifically, Bailey, from Wellington, New Zealand, is advertising a 9cm x 9cm space on her bum on bidding website Trade Me, where the highest bid currently stands at $2,990 AUD (£1,780).

Posting on the site, she wrote:
I’m a pretty wild girl so most people who know me wouldn’t be surprised that I’m offering the winner of this auction to have anything tattooed on my butt.
Obviously, tattoos are forever so who could say no to a life time of advertisement. I am also well known for mooning my butt in public, lol.
You may be waiting to bid on this auction for a vary of ideas: marriage proposal, business promotion, an artist wanting to share design or just because yolo.
10% of the winnings will go towards a charity of your choice.
If you want to place a bid for your own little bit of Bailey forever and ever and ever then head on over to her page here and get your wallet out.

Now call me a cynic, but I can see this going very, very badly…