‘Three Breasted’ Hoaxer Wants A Real Third Boob Implanted


A woman who tried to trick people into believing she had three boobs wants to have surgery to make her hoax into a reality. 

Jasmine Tridevil, whose real name is Alisha Hessler, attempted to fool the world in 2014 by claiming she’d had fat removed from her abdomen to make a third breast.

She was exposed when a TV crew used thermal imaging cameras to prove the extra breast was fake, but continued to wear the third boob, which was actually prosthetic, more frequently because she loved how it felt.

However, the YouTube star is tired of having to spend hours with a special effects artist to get her ideal look, and instead wants to make the third boob a permanent feature.

Speaking to The Sun about her fantasy chest, Jasmine explained:

Initially, I never took the three-breasted figure seriously, however, after wearing the prosthetic for so long, I have grown to adore the fantasy of having that body type.

I find something very appealing and seductive about the look.

I receive much more male attention when I have the third breast. It seems that the average man finds it intriguing.

The 25-year-old put out a plea on social media in an attempt to find a surgeon willing to make her dreams come true, and though ‘a small handful’ of clinics replied only two agreed to give her a consultation.

Jasmine went to one doctor at a plastic surgery clinic in Florida, but they were shocked by her request and declined to perform the surgery.

However a second surgeon in Miami Beach has reportedly agreed to perform the surgery for $50,000 (£39,518)  – though only after she has undergone a psychiatric evaluation.

The doctor plans to add the third boob in two stages; first stretching the skin, and then adding the implant.

The YouTube star explained:

The surgeon is located in Miami, Florida and he says that he would approach this as he would with a patient with breast cancer, which would be reconstructive surgery.

First, he would have to insert a tissue expander. Then he would expand the tissue once a week. Once it reaches it’s appropriate size, he would then proceed with the third breast implant surgery.

He would also insert a miniature implant for the nipple and finally, a tattoo for the areola.

Jasmine has set up a GoFundMe page to help raise $70,000, which she says she’ll need for the surgery as well as for ’emergency purposes’.

She’s keen to get the implant despite receiving backlash from followers as well as her family members.

The 25-year-old continued:

My grandparents disapproved the third breast to the point where we have minimal contact to this day.

My father and sister do not support it, but they will not disown me regardless of what I decide to do with my body.

Jasmine continued:

I feel that if you want to achieve proficiency in the entertainment industry, then you must be prepared for negative attention.

It would be unreasonable and foolish to not expect some hateful followers. It is a privilege to be an entertainer and I will gladly accept both the advantages and disadvantages.

My ultimate dream would be to have a successful third breast surgery and then utilize the exposure to focus on my music career and go on tour.

Each to their own, I suppose!

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