A transgender woman from Australia has spent $92,500 AUD (£54,967) to transform herself into looking like a Bratz doll.
21-year-old Jolene Dawson from the Gold Coast in Australia has endured a breast augmentation, butt implants, forehead fillers, a lip lift and jaw slimming – all to look like her wide-eyed, pouty heroines.
She’s also had botox, laser hair removal, ear pinning, two face-lifts, a chin augmentation and four nose jobs. Unbelievably, most of these procedures took place within a eye-wateringly short six-month time span.
Still, not content with this lengthy list of surgeries, Jolene is apparently now planning to have her belly button removed, or ‘sewn up’, to complete the plastic fantastic look.
Glamorous Jolene, who buys and sells businesses for a living, explained to MailOnline where her love for ‘the girls with a passion for fashion’ came from:
It was almost accidental at first.
As a child I really liked Bratz dolls. Then as I got older and realised that I wanted to become a woman, I started surgery to get the chin and the heart-shaped face.
Growing up as a boy, I never really thought about [playing with Bratz dolls].
But then, when I watched the cartoon, I realised they looked look like what I saw as beautiful.

The highly stylised Bratz dolls caused controversy when they hit the toy shops back in 2001, with concerns raised over the lifestyle and ‘sexualised’ body image the fashion dolls promoted to young women and girls.
Luckily, Jolene’s family are 100 per cent supportive of her unique look, even joining her for a ‘post boob-job family lunch’.
She feels her family’s support has enhanced her confidence, having a ‘positive impact’ on her self esteem.
Jolene’s unusual Bratz-inspired appearance does sometimes attract nasty comments, however she has the confidence to not let any negative attention get her down:
I’ve always been really confident,
If somebody doesn’t like me, it’s more a missed opportunity for them.
Side note: excellent life advice for anyone right there.
Jolene has funded each of the expensive surgical procedures from her own pocket, having made the decision to go under the knife at just 19-years-old.
Assigned male at birth, Jolene knew she was really a girl from a young age:
When I was a child I used to watch Baywatch with my family, and I thought when I got big I was going to be like the characters wearing the swimsuits and not the shorts.
I decided to go ahead with it when I was 19 and had [the cosmetic surgery] over a six-month period. But I’ve never been in a situation where I’ve felt rushed.
Although she has no upcoming plans to have full gender reassignment surgery, she does plan to have this procedure eventually. She also hopes to have her Adam’s apple removed at some point.
Confident singleton Jolene always makes sure to be ‘100 per cent’ open about her life with any prospective romantic partners:
If you’re going home with me, you’re going home with all of me.
And if you don’t want all of me, then I don’t want all of you.
Preach, Jolene!

Jules studied English Literature with Creative Writing at Lancaster University before earning her masters in International Relations at Leiden University in The Netherlands (Hoi!). She then trained as a journalist through News Associates in Manchester. Jules has previously worked as a mental health blogger, copywriter and freelancer for various publications.