Unborn Baby ‘Tells Mum To F*ck Off’ During 3D Ultrasound Scan

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Jemma Houston/Twitter/Deadline

A pregnant woman got a hilarious shock when she went for an ultrasound scan and found her unborn baby telling her to f*ck off. 

Looks like the stress of those angsty teenage years will be coming early for mum-to-be Jemma Houston.

Ultrasounds, you’d think, should be a very exciting time, with the anticipation bubbling as you get the first opportunity to see the little human you’ve been carrying around inside you.


It’s quite a rare moment; the only real insight you get into the life of your baby before they pop out into the world. You’d presumably hope to see them curled up, looking snug, warm and thankful for their cocoon of safety.


Instead, Jemma was greeted by her baby girl seemingly staring right down the camera and flipping the V sign at her loving mum.

The surprised mum-to-be took to Twitter to share the hilarious photo:

Jemma explained none of her scans had been straightforward, with her ‘little diva’ refusing to cooperate every single time.

She said:

My first scan she was upside down and at my gender scan her legs were crossed, so I’ve had to go back for every scan I’ve had.

The unborn baby obviously isn’t a fan of being looked in on, and she must have reached the end of her tether when it came to the scan earlier this week – resulting in a reaction that ‘topped off’ Jemma’s ultrasound experiences.


Alongside the picture, Jemma wrote:

Every. Single. Scan I’ve had to go back because our little diva does not cooperate … but being told to f*ck off tops it off.

Jemma is hoping her mischievous little daughter will show her face in the next ultrasound scan, which she has planned for this coming Saturday, November 2.


And while it would obviously be nice for the mum-to-be to see her child properly, I think we’re all secretly a little bit hopeful the baby will appear on screen giving the finger again, or making some equally outrageous gesture towards her poor mum.

After sharing the ultrasound picture on Twitter, a number of other people expressed their amusement at the photo, with some responding to say their children had made similar gestures during scans of their own.

Still, despite the unwelcome reception Jemma received, the mum expressed her excitement for her daughter’s arrival, as she told one Twitter user she ‘can’t wait,’ and told another: ‘I’m in for a treat.’

I’m sure Jemma’s baby will be more loving when she finally meets her mum, though Jemma might have to put up with a few more icy ultrasounds until then!

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