German glamour model Martina Big, who recently made headlines for transitioning into a black woman, has become a ‘true African woman’ after changing her name.
Martina, who has been baptised under a new Swahali name, Malaika Kubwa, which reportedly means ‘big angel’, also underwent gargantuan breast enhancement surgery taking her up to a 32S cup.
Her new breasts are reported to be the biggest in Europe.
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As well as the breast surgery, the former air hostess’s extreme transformation, which has cost over $50,000, has included three skin injections and tanning on her 50-tube sun-bed to achieve her ‘dark, crispy brown’ skin.
She’s had her eye colour altered, as well as her hair, which she has made darker and curlier.
Martina Big has now flown to the Eastern African country of Kenya for the next step in her quest to become a black woman.
She said:
One of my Kenyan friends told her pastor about my transformation to a black woman and told him how much I wanted to become a true African woman.

The pastor invited Martina into his church in the town of Nyeri, where she was baptised under the new name of Malaika Kubwa.
Video footage shows the moment Martina Big is baptised while wearing a long white dress with African motifs.
The pastor can be heard saying:
Malaika Kubwa, you are now a new creature in Jesus name.
To which Martina responds:
I’m so happy and proud to be a real African woman.
Martina also explained that she believes she is beginning to look more African naturally.

She said:
I had been asked several times, whether I noticed that also my facial features become more and more African.
Since this change is so slow, I did not notice it at first. But after comparing myself to several photos from last year, I also see this change.
I’m very happy about it and hope that this change will continue. It’s such a great feeling to become more and more Africa.
Although Martina might be comfortable with her appearance, to others her transformation is incredibly insensitive and insulting.
After appearing on This Morning last year, many people were outraged by her decision to ‘black-up’.
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However, Martina remained adamant her racial identity was much more than skin deep:
All these steps, having black curly hair, I am going to change my nose to be like an African nose, wider… I am going to have butt implants to be curvier…
But also I am going to Africa and different countries. To meet the people in person and [learn] more about the histories.
How do you feel about Martina’s decision to change the colour of her skin?
If you have a story you want to tell, send it to UNILAD via [email protected].