Woman Discovers Blood Donor Who Saved Her Life 11 Years Ago Was Her Husband


blood donor couple

A woman was shocked to discover the blood donor who saved her life 11 years ago is her partner.

Lin Xiaofen, from Taiwan, required a blood donation after getting into a severe car accident.

With her blood failing to clot, Lin’s condition was stabilised after she received 10 units of blood and two units of isolated platelets from a donor.

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Two years ago, Lin told her boyfriend Lian Zhiceng, a glutinous rice dumpling seller in Taiwan, originally from Hsinchu, about the near-death experience.

Lian, who at the time had been with Lin for two years, joked ‘could it be my blood that you used’ as he has regularly donated blood.

This sparked Lin’s curiosity who requested the information about her blood donor from the local blood station.

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The couple were shocked when Lin was told the donor was a ‘Mr Lian from Hsinchu’.

Excited, they then checked the donor’s identification number which confirmed in 2008 Lian’s blood did indeed save Lin’s life.

As reported by Huanqiu, the two had felt a telepathic connection between them before the discovery.

Urging people to donate, Lian said ‘there is a chance to save your future wife’ revealing the pair plan to marry in 2018 (the interview took place in 2017).

In a recent interview, it was revealed Ashton Kutcher was willing to donate his heart to keep his twin brother Michael alive.

When Michael, who lives with cerebral palsy, underwent a heart transplant at the age of 13, Ashton said he wished he could donate his own heart.

In an interview with Us Weekly, Michael explained:

It’s a connection that you can’t explain. In all seriousness, we’re just very connected. It’s an honor or deep appreciation and a deep love for someone who would sacrifice that for you. I really can’t put words to it.

I said, ‘Every time you look at me, every time you feel sorry for me, in a way, you make me less. You make me less. I am who I am, right? I was put in these situations. Who I am is for a reason’.

Us Weekly also described how Ashton spoke about his brother at an awards ceremony in 2017.

He told the audience:

My brother was born with cerebral palsy and it taught me that loving people isn’t a choice and that people aren’t actually all created equal.

The Constitution lies to us. We’re not all created equal. We’re all created incredibly unequal to one another, in our capabilities and what we can do and how we think and what we see. But we all have the equal capacity to love one another, and my brother taught me that.

Michael agreed with his brother’s sentiment adding he is ‘right’ on the point.

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He explained:

We aren’t created equally, whether it be a disability or a health issue or whether it be anything, ethnicity, sex. We’re just not created equally. If we were, what’s cool about that?

I think his quote is right on. We’re not born equal, but that’s okay. It’s okay.

You may think I got the wrong end of the stick, but having the transplant and the disability and everything, but in my eyes, I got the right end.

Michael added he feels empowered by his mission to help others.

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