If you think you’ve been on a Tinder date from hell, I’m sorry but you’ve got nothing on this poor girl.
In a video Canadian YouTuber and blogger Kaylee Kapital spilled all on what can only be described as the worst Tinder date ever.
You can watch the video here:
[ooyala code=”N5NDc4YzE6pLoP8YXletigoqDKMaVhL3″ player_id=”5df2ff5a35d24237905833bd032cd5d8″ auto=”true” width=”1280″ height=”720″ pcode=”twa2oyOnjiGwU8-cvdRQbrVTiR2l”]
Having been on a couple of romantic dates with this guy already, Kaylee thought things were going rather well but on the third date, events took a pretty dark turn.
She said:
This guy was really weird. I’m a natural redhead and he would always make fun of gingers.
I should have gotten a lot of red flags but I was already on the rebound from getting dumped.
So we go to a park and he starts pouring out some drinks and because its cold out I have a bit.
Then he asked ‘Do you want to see where I work?’ and I was like okay.

It so happened that Kaylee’s date worked at the local hospital as a security guard and although this isn’t a creepy job, we can all agree that hospitals are rather unsettling at night.
Things only got worse though when Kaylee’s date led her down a corridor to show her a very particular part of the hospital.
Kaylee said:
We go down this creepy hallway and all of a sudden I can tell that we are in a morgue. So I’m standing there like ‘we shouldn’t be here’.
Then he opens one of the fridges and pulls out this old lady asking: “Have you ever seen a dead body before?”
Kaylee continued:
I was then panicking like: “Am I going to be in this morgue next?” I couldn’t even look at this old lady.
I think he got off on the fact that I was grossed out. He liked looking at my reaction. It amused him.
He is psycho I guess.
Naturally Kaylee went home as soon as the date was over however, despite calling it in the video ‘the weirdest date ever’, she still talked to the guy after and even met up with him one more time.
This guy must have had charm or good looks or something as a trip to a morgue is surely a big no no.
Also, in the caption for the video Kaylee says this is only the second worst date she has ever been on…
What could’ve possibly happened on the one that was more terrible than the trip to the morgue?