Woman Holds Husband’s Mistress By Hair As She Demands He Watch Brutal Beating

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An enraged wife took revenge to shocking new levels when she tracked down her husband’s alleged mistress.

The furious woman, from Tangshan City in North China’s Hebei Province, held the woman by her hair as she rang her husband, requesting he come and watch her enact her punishment.

Crowds gathered around the women to film the shocking public incident on their phones, but this did not seem to deter the fuming spouse who appeared triumphant at having captured her love rival.


Throughout the attack, the alleged mistress is slumped on the ground beside the wife’s car. Footage was taken at the scene, and things got truly dramatic…


Ringing her cheating husband, the woman seethed:

Hubby, where are you? Come here. I’ve caught her, hurry up!

Before hanging up, she added:

I’m by the Jin Mao Tower


The angered wife then began striking the sobbing woman on the head, shouting:

Tell everyone what you are. Tell them you’re a mistress. Tell them!

The helpless woman then obliged, agreeing:

I’m a mistress.

Turning to the crowd, where many people appear amused by the strange turn of events, the wife announced:

This is a mistress. She’s a home-wrecker. Three years she’s been with my spouse.

You can watch the heated scenes unfold for yourself below:

[ooyala player_id=”5df2ff5a35d24237905833bd032cd5d8″ width=”undefined” height=”undefined” pcode=”twa2oyOnjiGwU8-cvdRQbrVTiR2l” code=”pyYmZsZTE6wW6eF7odFgoBg6kDtO47fz”]

The mistress is seen begging the wife for mercy, however her pleas were only met with further ridicule.

The crowds of interested onlookers can be heard laughing as the footage reaches the end.


The footage has since gone viral, with many people offering their personal opinion on the messy love triangle.


One person counselled:

Then he should have just gotten a divorce and the mistress should have respected herself more. Three years.

Another mused:

Is it really the fault of the mistress? Who knows what she was told.

However, others have laid the blame on the vengeful wife, describing her as a ‘disturbed’ individual.